e premte, 21 dhjetor 2007

wings wip

Here at work we wait so long for feedback of the so called creative people we can almost make a whole project with the spare time...anyway... the good thing about spending some time away from a project is that the next time you get to it again you can see things with a more critical eye, therefore i realize that the wings were not working as intended...so i decided to start build new ones...

e enjte, 6 dhjetor 2007

wip to be continued

I haven´t finished the final modelling yet but i wanted to take it to zbrush just to see how i can play around with it....i think it will be fun..only thing is i can only start working in january again...i got loads of commercial work to do until then..

e hënë, 3 dhjetor 2007

wings wip

not shure how the wings gonna work...


why do they always have horns?!!...

e premte, 30 nëntor 2007

WIP 02

gives us a big smile, honey...

e hënë, 26 nëntor 2007

WIP Gargoyle

Finally i began to model the gargoyle character...little by little its starting to take shape..

e diel, 11 nëntor 2007


Its Xmas time and i am not doing any exciting job...worst than last years actually..so here it is last year's work. I modeled, rigged the characters, and did the animation direction,
the texturing, setup layouts, lightning and rendering managment were done by Jaime Cipriano and Luisa Gomes

e shtunë, 27 tetor 2007

Character studie

Random character for a possible storybook

e premte, 12 tetor 2007

Another Animation Test

And going back to old stuff...here it is another animation test...it didn´t maket it to the screen...

e hënë, 1 tetor 2007

Technical drawings

Done some technical drawings to start modeling the creature in 3D software, Maya in this case.
If someone else was to model the creature i would have done a more accurate and more views of the character, in this case just a side view and some details such as the hands and wings will be enough for me.

e diel, 30 shtator 2007

e mërkurë, 26 shtator 2007

WIP details

Starting to add some details...the fun part where we discover the character personality.

e martë, 25 shtator 2007

WIP Gargoyle

Progression of the character in clay...beginning to see the potential of how to direct the character storywise.

e premte, 21 shtator 2007

Creature maquette

In my spare time i finally begin to work on the maquete of the creature. Making a sculpture in clay it helps me realizing the problems in terms of design, so i am adjusting and refining things in order to make a feazable creature while maintaining an artistic vison as a character.
Its better and cheaper solving problems at this stage, before embarking in to the digital realm.
I'll keep posting updates of it

e premte, 7 shtator 2007

rough cut and some thoughts

i have done a first rough cut and the short film is i expected around 7 minutes.
The production pipeline is going to be pretty much standard, software wize, like maya for 3D creatures, boujou for tracking, editing software like Premiere or Final cut, and compositing packages like AE or Combustion.
Still not even begin to develop the creature design, starting this weekend hopefully, a nice little sculpture.

i was reminiscent the other day as to why i came to be in this area, i always drawn and sculpt and made little stories, and animation was a natural development especial after seen a making of a animated feature called The Black Cauldron...and i remember thinking: thats it, thats what i want to do: animation....and for nearly 20 years thats what i persued...but now i realize,that what appeal to me was not the technical aspect of animation, but the artist way of telling stories, and like drawing was a natural way for animation, animation can lead to other things as well, like Directing and Screenwriting, and Art Direction...etc, etc. My point is.....one thing leads to another....is part of the growing up process..as an individual, as a professional and as a human being in general, i guess...
I think nowadays more than never, with all the new technology available, we have to be a kind of Renascence artists and be aware of the world around us and not be close down in just one way of thinking or doing things.
There is a whole new world out there... and its BIG.....

e enjte, 6 shtator 2007


And back from vacations..... done some shooting with the help of a friend, Rosario Menezes, and later on some pick up shots that i needed.
Now i am in the process of assembling all the material before starting to cut.

Color tests

Grabded some frames and done some color tests. At this point i am no longer pindown to the storyboard in a rigid way. Editing its hard work but also gonna be fun. Lots of post production work ahead.

e hënë, 13 gusht 2007


And finally vacation time... yes a full 2 weeks vacation...so i will not post anything else until next month..for the old granny in Tibete that visits this blog: sorry granny, i´ll comeback in september, dont worry...

e enjte, 2 gusht 2007

Location Scouting

Another studie for the gargoyle character...think i am getting closer...

e mërkurë, 1 gusht 2007

e premte, 27 korrik 2007

Lets start skecthing some gargoyles....

e enjte, 26 korrik 2007

Short film

Now, lets have a break from the old stuff... here it is a new idea for a very short film that i am planning on shooting this summer...yes, it involves gargoyles.

e mërkurë, 18 korrik 2007

Another studie for a another storybook, although the character name is Golem, it has nothing to do with the original story, in fact this character lead me to develop my own brand using GolemVison as a signature for my works, commercial and personal.

e hënë, 16 korrik 2007

Old character concept for story book

e premte, 13 korrik 2007

And another old sketch for the old lady story....curious thing, at the time i didnt even heard of Pan´s labyrinth, i guess we are all drinking from the same pool....now i have to come out with a new character...this one wasn't working anyway...

e enjte, 12 korrik 2007

In search for something....

e mërkurë, 11 korrik 2007

And another pitch...this was for a pitch session while i was in Film school in London... a story in the after life...

e martë, 10 korrik 2007

And another arqueological find...a story based in a attick...

e hënë, 9 korrik 2007

Another studie...
This was one of a series of studies for a story book....never completed...

e enjte, 5 korrik 2007

ghoulish stuff

Sometimes i get sick of pretty commercial characters..so i do this..just to take the pain away...
A random sketch...for Xmas i belive it was..

e mërkurë, 4 korrik 2007

And another concept sketch...

e martë, 3 korrik 2007

Lovecraftian character

One of the characters for the live action project. Maybe next year...maybe not...

e premte, 29 qershor 2007

The importance of storyboards

And back to animation again.
I wish more so called "directors" would understand the value of a good preproduction plan.
you dont have to bee a animation geek to make a storyboard, but you have to be a responsable Director to make a film fit in the budget, and storyboards help you not to waste time and money,special if it is your money.

Something complety different

Now, here i begin with something more for live action. I wrote some stories that are more of a Lovecraftian feel to it. They are pretty much developed in written form, but i never really thought of making a film until i did this scketch...what if i make this in live action, much like the old Hammer, and Universal monsters films??...humm...
I will post more artwork soon